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Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Daly City
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Norwalk
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - San Jose
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Murrieta
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - West Covina
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Rialto
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Fairfield
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Richmond CA
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Antioch
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Temecula
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Over $19,000 NET PROFIT PER MONTH! Clean Books and Records. This established Non-Emergency Medical Transportation company (over 8 years) is located in San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles County. The sale includes 7 vehicles (5 Ford Transits and two E250). The vehicles can transport wheelchair, gurney and ambulatory patients. Medical provider is included in the sale.

FedEx Home Net $405k Ask $1.2mil
Well established, protected and growing FedEx fleet of 11 trucks and 11 drivers, Business included gas and electric vehicles. Grossing over $1.8 million a year. When replacing vehicles transforming to electric this will decrease fuel costs by about $82,000 a year . To learn more call Frank @ 800 801 5519