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Asking Price: $115,000

Eastern New Jersey Senior Home Care Agency

Not Disclosed, NJ
Not disclosed

This home-based business has been operating successfully for over 11 years. One of its goals is to make senior lifestyle changes easier. It provides private duty, in home care and assistance to elderly and disabled adults in their own homes; as well as nursing homes, assisted living centers and rehab facilities. No medical experience is necessary. The business operates in a tremendously growing industry. Besides the senior population, there are many more people who need assistance with daily living. The business primarily operates in the eastern shore area of New Jersey.This company’s mission is simple: To empower families, individuals and seniors with education, informational resources and assist with coordinated care to make seniors smile.What sets this business apart from others is its ability to provide custom coordinated care and guidance with the decision-making process. A savvy buyer will be able to take advantage of this firm’s strong foundation of home care services to expand the business to the next level.The ideal buyer could be a competitor offering similar services, a private equity group who can provide the resources for it to expand, a “people person” with a solid management background who has compassion for the elderly and disabled, or an entrepreneur who has the motivation and expertise to take this company to the next level.

Cash Flow $31,769
Revenue $163,799

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