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  • RE:  FilterQueen Vacuum Manufacturer And Distibutor
  • Contact:  Chris Goebel

Quick Facts

Asking Price: $8,000,000
Annual Revenue: $6,636,824
Net Profit: Not Disclosed
Cash Flow: Not Disclosed
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: $3,000,000
Real Estate: Not Disclosed
Year Established: 1928
Employees: 27
BBN Listing #: 987564
Broker Reference #: FILTERQUEEN BBN

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Business Overview:

Filter Queen (Health-Mor) was founded in 1928 in Chicago, IL, and introduced the innovative FilterQueen vacuum with advanced filtration. Today, this 96-year-old company produces and assembles all FilterQueen Majestics Vacuums, Defender Air Purifiers, and filters for global distribution in Cleveland, Ohio.
Health-Mor and FilterQueen are seeking new expertise and leadership to expand our reach in marketing the world’s best air filtration and home cleaning systems in the 2024 global marketplace. While our strength lies in direct sales, we need new leadership in North America to take the company in an innovative direction. With a strategic marketing, sales, and distribution plan, FilterQueen Majestic's sales per day could double the company’s value. FilterQueen wants to sell this established product and brand to a leadership team that can bring fresh perspectives and open new sales channels that haven’t previously been offered to FilterQueen products.

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Property Features and Assets:

Building Type: Commercial

Thefacility is home to HMI World Headquarters and is approximately 68,000 sq ft, including offices (14,000), warehouses, manufacturing, and distribution (54,000). It was built in 2017 and is conveniently located near several major highways. The current lease expires on 1/30/2030, and the original lease does contain language regarding assignment and subletting. This facility can also utilize or modify the current manufacturing space to satisfy increases in production demand

Market Competition and Expansion:

Management has identified several marketing opportunities that a new owner can implement to increase sales by expanding market exposure for the products. If Majestic Vacuum sales could be increased by 10 units daily, the annual sales would increase by $4m.

·       Infomercial—We will Tell our story and sale proposition via video or commercial in small snippets that can be sold on various home shopping platforms.

·       Use of TikTok in social media ads or video campaigns

·       Use a social media influencer to help market the products.

·       Sell to retail chains and offer instore sales demos (Costco, Lowes)

·       Adjust the pricing model to reflect the volume sales approach.

·       Develop a buyers’ club that would give the customer product discounts.

·       Tap into the FilterQueen product owners that do not buy filters directly.

Insert new sales/growth table.

The FilterQueen products are some of the best and most durable vacuums and air purifying products today. If the right buyer could bring additional market distribution channels, Majestic Vacuum sales could increase by 10 units per day, annual sales revenue by $4m, and air filtration and replacement filter recurring revenue would naturally grow.

Reason for Selling:


Additional Details:

  • The property is Leased.
  • This is not homebased business opportunity.
  • This is not a franchise resale opportunity


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