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Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Cleveland
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Cincinnati
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance- Akron
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars. Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Columbus
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Toledo
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Dayton
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars. Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.