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Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Rochester
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - St. Paul
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving

Great Side Business Low Maintenance - Minneapolis
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Only requires 8 hours a month and machines are already placed in busy bars.Customers place money into the machine to see how drunk they are. Both for fun and to prevent drinking and driving.

Minnesota Grain Elevator & Feed Mill
This grain elevator boasts 734,000-bushel capacity and additional ground storage of 300,000 bushels. Equipment has been steadily maintained and replaced over the years and is in great condition for the next buyer to take the business to the next level.

Waste Management/Sanitation
Northern Minnesota Sanitation Company. Residential/Commercial Garbage Collection, Dumpster Service, Real Estate and Landfill included. Office/Garage Space. Contact Mike Bartholow at 952-258-9700 or email for more information.

Denny's Franchise reSale
Real estate available to purchase with the businessGreat opportunity to acquire a single Denny's franchise unit and upper northwest!Denny's is an iconic American Brand serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner 24 hours a day, with over 1,500 restaurants across the Country