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Asking Price: $1,075,000

Profitable Upholstery Service and Interior Design Services

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This business is located in Flowood, MS with a population of approximately 400 thousand residents. The traffic count is 20 thousand cars plus per day.After about 50 years in business, we are established in the residential and commercial areas. The company’s main focus is on window covering and furniture upholstery, and it also provides interior design services. This is supported by a furniture inventory of approximately $300,000, which is all current for today’s market. Our staff is totally professional and competent with many years ofexperience in the business.This has always been a family owned business. All businesses have some kind of competition; however, our business has carved a special niche in the market that continues to work year after year. We have several large commercial accounts that have been loyal for more than 25 years. It is believed that these accounts will remain with the new owner, mainly because of the solid relationship that the company has always worked to maintain and service. Also, no one else in this area can provide the diversity that our business can.After years in the industry, the owners are ready to retire and pass this profitable business to the right buyer. Not one year in the history of this company has it proved to be not profitable.The employees have all indicated that they will stay and help the new owner through the transition and beyond. The current owner has also indicated that he would help in any way possible with the transition.The new owner will also inherit all projects, purchase orders and contracts. At any given time this could be $100-$300 thousand in current jobs.

Cash Flow $386,134
Revenue $1,836,245

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