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Asking Price: $225,000

Turnkey & Profiting: Property Damage & Restoration

New Orleans, LA
Orleans County

This New Orleans property damage and restoration business is profitable and fully turn-key. The sale price includes a fully equipped van and other equipment assets and inventory.This is a high cash flow proven and recession-proof “business2business” and “business2consumer” company. The New Orleans market is extremely scalable and has a fully protected territory. The business consistently delivers excellent profit margins and high earnings. This is an executively run business that provides property damage primarily dealing with fire, water, storm repair, content clean-up, remediation and mold removal. As the new owner, you will oversee financial management and market building relationships and networks in the community. This needs-based service business is highly scalable with continued growth potential. The new owner will need to have the ability to leverage existing relationships with national and regional insurance companies and preferred vendors. Service premiums are pre-paid and substantial. The parent company reviews and collects all insurance invoices for its partners. Full training and ongoing corporate support are included. •Owner friendly business hours, Mon - Fri, 9 - 5. •Repeat business. •High gross profit margins. •Professional, skilled employees. •Technology driven. •National Insurance Accounts.

Cash Flow $110,000
Revenue $250,000
$ Owner Financing Available

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