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You can earn income from EVERY laundry load done in your territory at a significantly lower cost than owning a single laundromat. For sale is an area license for an uber-like laundry delivery service with proprietary technology, operations expertise, and local marketing strength. You won’t be washing clothes. But you will make commissions on those who do. Earn $$ on any Licenses sold within your territory Earn $$ on all Owner/Operator Licenses sold within your territory Earn $$ for every load of laundry delivery in your territory Exclusive Territory This is a mostly-absentee ownership opportunity with high six-figure passive income potential. (Revenue scenarios are hypothetical. Your income will depend on your own business activities.)This listing won't last long. Let's chat at your convenience!
American Business Systems has been America's Leader in Medical Billing with Unparalleled Training, and Support for over 25 years. $100k Potential working from anywhere, full-time or part-time. Learn more about this great opportunity!
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