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iBuumerang - Business Opportunity

Quick Summary

What if you could be a part of a global push to actually Uberize the 8 Trillion dollar travel industry by using our extremely unique customer acquisition model? Learn more about joining iBuumerang now!

*Please contact "iBuumerang" to confirm the accuracy of any information provided on this page.

Business Cost, Fees & Facts for 2025

Minimum Cash Required $10,000
Year Founded
# of Existing Units
Training & Support No
Home Office Location
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Available In These States:

We are currently accepting inquiries in ALL States
  • Overview

iBuumerang - Business Opportunity

About Us
If you are the majority of people reading this and if it didn’t mean having to change careers or take on a second job or be an internet genius.  You see right now, hundreds of people are watching this video every day and you could make hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars in residual income just for referring people to this same simple message.  What did you actually have to do to make your last $10,000 in income?  More than likely it was a lot harder than sharing a video, right?

So hopefully, I have your attention and as you’re going to soon hear.

The reason for putting together this message is it’s the fastest, easiest and most productive way to accurate information out there.

Also this message is NOT about trying to convince you of something or sell you anything.

This message is to merely help our team identify people who are currently open to the idea of creating a second income stream.

You see the person who shared this number with you found a way to capitalize financially on one of the largest, fastest growing and most lucrative industries in the world.  

How about, currently, it’s an 8 TRILLION DOLLAR industry and they thought enough of you to share this information.  That’s TRILLION with a T!

You see, history teaches us that people who position themselves in front of major trends and opportunities before they happen can change their or their family’s financial status significantly in very short periods of time.

So what’s this lucrative industry and trend I’m talking about? And when I say travel, I mean everything from hotels, to cruises, to flights, to rental cars and what I’m going to briefly explain to you is that it’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard before and it’s just getting started.

What if you could be a part of a global push to actually Uberize the 8 Trillion dollar travel industry by using our extremely unique customer acquisition model.

That will basically spin off cash and create for you what we like to call a perpetual income generator.  Now that’s kind of a mouth full, but if you will follow me here I’ll easily explain how you can earn real, lasting residual income much easier and daster then you may have ever thought before.  

Now remember when I said ‘Uberize” the travel industry?  More than likely you know exactly who the company Uber is and more than likely you know that in just a few short years they become a multi-billion dollar company.

People were invited to create FREE accounts that when the need arose to get from point A to point B they just opened their app or website and clicked a few buttons and BOOM; they booked a ride for much cheaper.  Now as the word quickly spread about the 

savings and ease in which people by the millions created FREE accounts.

So my question is, how much money have you made Uber growing to a multi-billion dollar company?

Well what if you could be part of a new company that’s modeling this customer acquisition model and just like Uber, offered something for FREE to people who already going to go on a cruise, already going to book a flight….you get the picture.

What if you were compensated for your referral NOT when a person SPENT money but when a person SAVED money?

Okay, so follow me here…and here’s probably why your friend who invited you to hear this is so excited.  Because our referral model requires ZERO dollars in traditional advertising, we can, 100% of the time, acquire a loyal customer cheaper than every other company out there who’s probably spending MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars weekly in advertising.  This means that in almost every case we can offer a much deeper discount to all of our customers in the form of savings and because that customer was acquired at no cost.  50% of the savings goes to you as a referral commission.   You have a friend, her name is Mary, and Mary mentions to you that she wants to take the family to Las Vegas for the weekend getaway.  You give Mary a link to a back door pricing website and a FREE code so she can set up a private account.  Mary goes into her account, does apples to apples comparison against all other popular travel engines out there and see’s that she’s going to save 37%, or $476.22 on her weekend trip at the 5 star hotels.  So here’s what it means to you.  You are compensated for referring that website and code to Mary by being paid 50% of the savings, which in Mary’s case was $476.22 so you receive $238.11 just for helping Mary save money using a free account.

Understand that this is just one example of the thousands and thousands of actual customers our team is acquiring and many people just like you are earning significant, secondary incomes for merely helping people save money.  

Now remember at the beginning of the video I asked if you would like to get paid great money just referring people to watch this video?

All our team is doing is this, we’re simply messaging people all over the world this short video and if you or the person you would send this message to has some interactive presentation on their phone or their computer at their leisure that goes into much better detail about the significance of this program and income opportunities. 

Who do you know that’s ever booked a flight, rented a car, gone on a cruise, stayed at a hotel and would probably like to save money the next time they do it?

We also have a very simple but sophisticated Messenger system which you’re probably using right now to help walk someone through the decision process.  

So in closing, I encourage you to get back with the person who invited you to listen to this the information and remember, there’s a significant difference between making a living and having a life.  

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