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Strategically located in Williston, ND, which is a temporary home for over 100,000 laborers who migrate to the region for work in the agriculture, fields, and energy industries, and reside in temporary homes who need the access to do laundry. This 3,600 sq ft facility offers self-service laundry, shower facilities and drop-off services where employees will wash, dry and fold laundry for the customer. The owner lives out of state and only visits a few times a year. The business has 1 general manager along with 4-5 laundry techs. This spacious laundromat was established in 2012 and competition in the area is very low. The pay-per-load machines utilize a card service as opposed to cash and coin which is much more secure and safe, especially for the out of-state owner. Included in the purchase price is over $474,000 in hard assets. An SBA lender has pre-approved this deal structure. North Dakota is ranked 2nd, after Texas, as the highest oil producing state. Due to this fact, many oil companies will send swathes of contractors to this area and this business is noted as a preferred laundromat for their employees. Priced at $769,000, a 15% down payment of $115,350returns $108,294 in the first year after debt payments! Plus, the owner is offering a 10% promissory note and 6 months of training, as a sign of good faith. This activity has brought the business to a 41% profit margin. A new owner could boost revenue by offering starching and dry-cleaning services or by offering pick up services in the area and nearby towns.
The demand for healthier food choices is exploding – don’t miss this window of opportunity! Provide in-demand healthier snacks and drinks through our state-of-the-art vending systems. Enjoy franchise-level support without the financial burden of paying royalties or ridiculous fees. Start part-time, keeping your current job and benefits, while enjoying complete flexibility with your schedule. Run your passive income business from home, managing it remotely 24/7 with no need for employees.
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