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Asking Price: $92,000

Coffee Roaster - Quality Product - Loyal Customers

Not Disclosed, WA
Pierce County

This entrepreneurial opportunity is a coffee roaster providing its customers an assortment of high-quality coffee products. The business sells directly to consumers, at farmers markets, co-branded products to commercial customers, and personalized gift packages. They have a Shopfiy website with a regular newsletter that generates online business.Established before the start of the current decade, the business utilizes a single large-format commercial roaster and has built strong relationships with coffee bean suppliers. The production schedule for the single roaster has available capacity, allowing for growth as demand increases.The business operates out of an approximately 2,000 square foot warehouse space. The lease for this space ends in April 2025, an ideal time to negotiate a new lease with the landlord or find a new space to relocate operations.The owners use 1500 square feet of the space as storage for all product, roasting equipment, and farmer's market equipment and an area to host in-person roasting experiences. The remaining 500 square feet is unutilized. The business currently pays $2625 per month plus utilities.The current distribution channel for the business is direct-to-consumer. This includes walk-in customers to their roasting location, in-person sales at farmers markets, sales via their website, and custom work for weddings.

Cash Flow Not Disclosed
Revenue $97,000
$ Owner Financing Available

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