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Yearly sales are $300,000!Yearly Net Profit is $100,000 AFTER paying a Payroll of $60,000 per year, as well as rent and all other expenses!Business is Eligible for an E2 Visa!Rent is extremely low at only 8% of sales! That's only $2,000 per month! The business is located inside a major retail center so the Rent INCLUDES Electricity, Pest Control, AND Water/Sewage.Franchise Royalties are only 7%! One of the lowest franchise royalties in the food franchise industry! Franchise transfer fee is $10,000.Seller took over from the manager since the manager never fulfilled online orders! Store was only partially open with the manager shutting down the store in the early afternoon!1 hour from Orlando, FL and Gainesville, FL! 1 hour 30 minutes from Tampa, FL! 2 hours from Jacksonville, FL!Population is increasing by 7% year-to-year! Located in a densely populated residential neighborhood!Near to apartment complexes like Summer Field Estate Jacksonville FL, Parker at East Village, Standard441 Luxury Apartment Homes, Lady Lake Square Apartments, Quarters Apartments, and Arden Place.Close proximity to a newly developed subdivision with 140 homes!Extremely high average traffic count of 29,000 vehicles passing by the Restaurant each day!Asking Price for the Business-only: $149,000 plus inventory!Seller has another location that he is willing to sell only 30 minutes away!
Automated Investments is the pillar of e-Commerce automation. Automated Investments build and operate profitable and hands off Amazon FBA (Fulfilled-By-Amazon) businesses for their clients and investors. While the clients and investors act as the capital partners, Automated Investments works tirelessly behind the scenes as the operation partners providing 20-50% monthly ROI. Automated Investments handles the Amazon store creation, product research, product purchasing, Amazon FBA product prep, shipping the inventory to your Amazon FBA store, full complete custom support and ongoing management. We lift our fingers so you don’t have to.
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