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Financial Statement and passing the Florida Dealers License test is required. Down Payment REQUIRED is $100,000 unborrowed funds.15 year old Used Car business including vehicle Inventory, AR and CRE in beautiful small town west of Jacksonville, Florida. Presently, business is run fully absentee with a manager who collects the car payments and oversees all daily operations. This business needs a friendly salesperson or an owner-operator to buy from auction and sell vehicles . Accounts Receivables and all non-personal vehicles on the lot ARE INCLUDED (Currently $6,000 income per month and $75,000 of used Car, SUV, and Truck inventory)! The owner stopped working in the business a few years ago, and has one employee/manager running the biz with 2 helpers. There is no marketing or salesperson currently, but everything is in place and all the potential is here if you have what it takes to buy and sell vehicles. Please refer to listing 7101355273 and advisor Dan Tomlin when inquiring.
Automated Investments is the pillar of e-Commerce automation. Automated Investments build and operate profitable and hands off Amazon FBA (Fulfilled-By-Amazon) businesses for their clients and investors. While the clients and investors act as the capital partners, Automated Investments works tirelessly behind the scenes as the operation partners providing 20-50% monthly ROI. Automated Investments handles the Amazon store creation, product research, product purchasing, Amazon FBA product prep, shipping the inventory to your Amazon FBA store, full complete custom support and ongoing management. We lift our fingers so you don’t have to.
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