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This excellent automotive repair facility in Ridgecrest, CA is the perfect opportunity for the right buyer to take advantage of a business where the groundwork for success has already been built over many years. The business has been operating since with the current owners since 1983 and has experienced consistent sales for many years of $1,500,000 in sales and cash flow typically over $350,000, this business will serve as an excellent investment for the right acquirer. The business is available for $500,000, and the real estate with 3 parcels can be purchased for an additional $525,000, which will likely be seen by an SBA lender very positively. Staffed with a Master Tech and 2 other techs not including the owner, this is a great opportunity to capitalize on the success and reputation of the business up to this point. Contact us now for more info! Ridgecrest is the town closest to Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake, a large military installation in California that supports the research, testing and evaluation programs of the United States Navy with an annual budget in excess of $1B.
American Business Systems has been America's Leader in Medical Billing with Unparalleled Training, and Support for over 25 years. $100k Potential working from anywhere, full-time or part-time. Learn more about this great opportunity!
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