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This unique property is one of the best-built and most functional natural gas drilling support facilities in the Marcellus Shale gas region located on the New York-Pennsylvania border.Industrial Facility: The property was built in 2011-2012 and is in above-average condition. Improved with 72,000± Square Feet of functional buildings, parking lots for tractor-trailers, and support equipment in a fenced perimeter of 16± acres.Main administration building - fully equipped with offices, conference rooms, and lab roomsTruck washing buildingwarehouseOpen One-sided storage buildingWell House6 truck I trailer drive-thru service and repair area. 2 overhead walking cranes & 6 high bay overhead doorsIdeal Use: A large-volume trucking company can utilize this as a northern PA terminal and service location, and there are numerous alternate possibilities for this unique property.   Location: Six miles east of the Tioga County seat village of Wellsboro, PA, on Route 6, and an accessible six-mile drive east to Route 15 (I-99). Large inventory of KW trucks, trailers, and specialized fracking equipment at private treaty to the purchaser of this facilityContact Tom Mullen For All DetailsUnited Country | Eagle River Realty - Tom Mullen & Associates TeamFranchise office is independently owned and operated.
First on the scene and best in its class, Sky Zone created the world’s first wall-to-wall trampoline park in 2004, bringing healthy, high-flying fun to people across the globe. Now you can be part of this international sensation. See how fitness, entertainment, and interactive technology create a powerhouse of an opportunity. Learn more now!
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