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This established, diversified independent agency, appointed by top P&C, Standard and Non-Standard, Auto, Health, and Home Carriers, is offering its Agency or Book of Business. Of the 2700 policies, the P&C distribution is approximately Homeowners -25%, Auto -70%, Commercial -5%, and Healthcare represents 33% of all policies. The retention rate is approximately 86% for P&C and 85% for Health from stable, long-term clients.Modern Technology has been implemented for greater efficiency, making the operation turn-key and the ability to handle the high volume of premiums.The Business is well-suited for a growing agency, those that want to expand offerings, and those looking for cross-sales opportunities (with commercial and financial products that this agency does not market heavily), for a steady residual income. The Mercury appointment is from 20 years ago and brings in the most revenue.NDA is required to secure comprehensive Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) crafted by ProNova Partners.
GREAT PART TIME - WORK AT HOME BUSINESS! Are You Looking to Make an Additional $100,000 in the Next 12 Months - No Employees to Hire - No Equipment to Rent/Buy - No Office/Warehouse to Rent/Lease - Start Making money in the First 90 Days - Create Your Own Career Opportunity - Help People in Your Community
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