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This company specializes in tubular nondestructive testing and repair. The owner is selling because of health conditions. He is willing to stay on to help manage the business but can no longer travel to the various sites. The business employs cutting edge technologies to ensure the integrity of critical structures. With a team of skilled technicians, they offer rigorous field inspection, precise field repair, flaw detection, and quality assessments for various industries, guaranteeing safety and reliability of tubular components. They offer in field inspections & repairs for the most up to date cutting edge connections. Whether it is nominal or double shouldered high torque connections they can inspect and repair in the field to save the customer money, adding to their bottom line. They do all of this with safety in mind, and have a flawless safety record. They are trusted for thorough, noninvasive testing, and repair that exceeds industry standards. MSA's are in place with major oil companies s so the business is ripe to grow simply by adding additional salesmen to the task force.The company was initially started in 2013 by Michael DeKoch. The business grew and a second crew was added. In 2016 there was a bust in the industry that lead to a shut down. When the industry picked back up in 2017 it started back up with one crew. They have maintained a lengthy list of MSA's with successful companies. Covid 19 had a negative impact on the business and the health of the owner/salesman. After suffering from a heart condition followed by a serious accident the owner/salesman has been left unable to travel on lease roads. He loved and cared for this business, but due to health concerns it has become too physically challenging.The business is ripe for growth. With the numerous MSA's they have in place, additional salesmen can help in making this opportunity take off. The owner has suffered some major health issues but is willing to stay on to help manage the business from a home based office.
Over 30 years of consistent growth. Ongoing support. Multiple revenue streams. Whether you’re looking into owning your very first store, or you’re interested in adding to your existing franchise portfolio, Batteries Plus is here to help. Learn more about the costs, benefits, and available locations today!
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