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Asking Price: $750,000

Vehicle Repair w/ Real Estate (Shop & Residence)

Not Disclosed, WA
Clark County

This auto repair business has been a trusted name auto care in Clark County for more than a quarter century, with dedication to customer service and reputable repair. The business boasts one of the best Google ratings for any automotive shop in SW Washington. The company has maintained top line revenue and increased cash flow since 2020 despite the economic slowdown by focusing on customer experience, quality service and their reputation for honesty.The shop resides in a smaller Clark County community. Clark County’s median household income is $90,115, more than 16% above the national average. The county averages 2.65 persons per home, with primarily two-income households and two moderate value vehicles requiring maintenance. On any given day the techs diagnose check-engine lights, fix problems, perform routine maintenance and change fluids for a variety of customer vehicles. While the shop has the capability to repair major engine problems and complete specialty work on most major automotive brands, they specialize in vehicle maintenance of most domestic and Japanese brands.The auto repair facility encompasses ~3,500 square feet (county records) which includes five work bays, parts storage, office and fenced parking in the rear for 10 vehicles.  A house in close proximity is available for purchase at an additional value of $325,000.  How great would it be to walk to work? 

Cash Flow $200,000
Revenue $645,000
$ Owner Financing Available

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