Seller's Contact Information
- RE: Top-Quality Painting And Staining Services
- Contact: Arthur Rosenberg
Business Overview:
Residential interior and exterior painting and staining.Property Features and Assets:
All work in located on the job site.Market Competition and Expansion:
Based on competition this painting/staining business offers better prices, flexibility, and quality of service and communication. Providing professional proposals and invoices. Due to being a small business they can not take on huge projects like other companies can. The quality and attention to detail on residential projects is where they thrive.Reason for Selling:
Owners moving out of state.Additional Details:
- The property is owned.
- This is a homebased business opportunity.
- This is not a franchise resale opportunity
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Exciting update: Top-Quality Painting And Staining Services has a new owner due to high interest! More opportunities await. Explore our site for other listings or sign up here for email alerts. Find your perfect business opportunity today!
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