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  • RE:  Sporting Goods/Safety Product - Patented!
  • Contact:  Chris Shocklee

Quick Facts

Asking Price: $299,000
Annual Revenue: Not Disclosed
Net Profit: Not Disclosed
Cash Flow: Not Disclosed
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: $60,000
Real Estate: Not Disclosed
Year Established: 2013
Employees: Not Disclosed
BBN Listing #: 987453
Broker Reference #: 1280CS

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Business Overview:

This sporting goods product is currently being used by a large percentage of MLB catchers, current and former NHL players, High School athletes and law enforcement officers. There is no product in the industry like it and it has three issued US Utility patents and multiple trademarks. The seller is an inventor and entrepreneur and is good at the R&D and technical production aspects of the business, but does not have the marketing experience to bring this opportunity to it’s true potential. While there is currently some revenue and small profits, the market space is quite large and mostly untapped. If you have marketing experience and the resources to grow a brand, this may be a great opportunity for you!The seller is open to a creative offer that includes residual income, ongoing consulting and minority ownership. For details contact Chris Shocklee and refer to reference ID#1280CS​

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Reason for Selling:

Seller's lack of marketing capability

Additional Details:

  • The property is Leased.
  • The owner is willing to train/assist the new owner.
  • This is a homebased business opportunity.
  • This is not a franchise resale opportunity

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