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  • RE:  Senior Social Adult DayCare Center Queens NY
  • Contact:  Gerard Napolitano
Owner Financing is Available!
flexible payment plan.

Quick Facts

Asking Price: Not Disclosed
Annual Revenue: Not Disclosed
Net Profit: Not Disclosed
Cash Flow: Not Disclosed
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: Not Disclosed
Real Estate: Not Disclosed
Year Established: 2013
Employees: 3
BBN Listing #: 892428360
Broker Reference #: KEWGARDENSADSC

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Business Overview:

UNIQUE BUSINESS WITH GREAT REIMBURSEMENT RATES!_CHEAP RENT, LONG TERM LEASE, TURN KEY ADSC, ZERO DOWN! Seller provides All necessary Gov't approved permits and licenses to operate and get reimbursed. Experienced qualified staff! Average reimbursement is $80 per day per person! Services rendered: Personal care services Care management Therapeutic recreation Ethic and religious programs Special events Support groups Meals and snacks plus the support of a Registered Dietitian Social Work Services/entitlement counseling. Transportation Services. Perfect location for Social Daycare target audience. Average reimbursement is $80 per day per person. Competition: Unique to the area and industry, excellent reimbursement agreements with Managed Care Company. Seller could divide or expand capacity and /or add other related Medicare reimbursable services to same consumer population as part of this deal

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Property Features and Assets:

Large location, Divisible to 5,000 square feet, 10,000 square feet, 15,000 square feet. Built out space compliant with Department of Aging rigorous standards..very cheap rent, long term lease. Turn key ADSC with zero down! Seller could divide or expand capacity and /or add other related Medicare reimbursable services to same consumer population as part of this deal.

Market Competition and Expansion:

Unique to the area and industry, excellent reimbursement agreements with Managed Care Companies (average $80 per person). Seller could divide or expand capacity and /or add other related Medicare reimbursable services to same consumer population as part of this deal. Programs Include: Food Preparations/Demonstrations This monthly group is led by registered dietitians. They work together with staff to bring nutrition education to clients. The clients are provided with education on how to improve their diet, where and how to shop, the nutritional value of the ingredients and methods of preparation. This group is interactive and clients get to sample the delicious food prepared. Outings and Trips Clients are taken on frequent trips to restaurants, parks, concerts, museums, shows and to a variety of stores. These outings keep our clients connected to the world around them and connected with the things they love. The outings are staffed with a team of professionals and client safety is paramount. Multi-Cultural Celebrations: Commitment to multiculturalism is reflected in the variety of events hosted celebrating the center’s cultural, racial and religious diversity. There is something for everyone. Average reimbursement is $80 per day per person. Recession proof business, Growing with aging of population.

Reason for Selling:

Seller's healthcare attorney in start up business.

Additional Details:

  • The property is Leased.
  • The owner is willing to train/assist the new owner.
  • This is not homebased business opportunity.
  • This is not a franchise resale opportunity

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