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  • RE:  PRICE REDUCED - Event Center, Restaurant, Lounge
  • Contact:  Pat Steffl

Quick Facts

Asking Price: $1,600,000
Annual Revenue: $1,630,028
Net Profit: Not Disclosed
Cash Flow: $181,282
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: $500,000
Real Estate: $1,200,000
Year Established: 1958
Employees: 38
BBN Listing #: 30284955
Broker Reference #: 5101-17791

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Business Overview:

PRICE REDUCED - Great food and fun.  Restaurant, cafe, bar and lounge, bowling, video lottery and event center.  Multiple revenue sources to even out the income stream outside of league season.  Seller will consider some Seller Financing in the right situation with a qualified buyer.

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Property Features and Assets:

Roughly 40,000 square feet of enclosed space, including storage. 20,000 plus square feet is the bowling alley the other space is comprised of the lounge, cafe, restaurant, and event center area. Well maintained, older original structure with more recent additions and renovations. Licensed for 10 video lottery and total max capacity of the business is 300 .

Assets = $1,700,000

Market Competition and Expansion:

Normal level of competition in the area for each area of the business, but no other establishment has all offerings under one roof.

Reason for Selling:

Pursue other opportunities.

Additional Details:

  • The property is owned.
  • The owner is willing to train/assist the new owner.
  • This is not homebased business opportunity.
  • This is not a franchise resale opportunity

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