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  • RE:  NE Boston Sealcoat Business
  • Contact:  Buyer Services

Quick Facts

Asking Price: $81,200
Annual Revenue: $268,000
Net Profit: $100,000
Cash Flow: Not Disclosed
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: $26,000
Real Estate: Not Disclosed
Year Established: 1987
Employees: Not Disclosed
BBN Listing #: 987525
Broker Reference #: 2224351

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Business Overview:

Jet-Black is the national leader in asphalt sealcoating, maintenance and repair. They have completed over 300,000 jobs since 1987. Their sealer and hot rubber crackfiller are designed to be the toughest, most protective asphalt maintenance products in the world. Jet-Black has locally owned and operated franchise locations in 18 states. From the mountains of Colorado to northern Minnesota to New England to sunny Florida and in-between. They have a brand name to protect and will not cut corners or sacrifice quality. ** Stated Revenues are an average of revenues since 2011. Cash Flow is an estimate based on 40% net profit margins. These are pro forma estimates and are not guaranteed by broker nor the Franchisor. Inquire for details.

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Property Features and Assets:

Home Based - With organization and technology on your side, a small home office can generate a tremendous amount of production with Jet-Black.

Market Competition and Expansion:

Jet-Black owners enjoy returning customers every 1 to 4 years. Marketing programs designed to stay in front of past customers. History has proven that there are virtually no limits to a Jet-Black territory’s potential. With the brand name, you can always keep growing.

Reason for Selling:

This franchisor owned territory needs a new owner to take possession.

Additional Details:

  • The property is Leased.
  • The owner is willing to train/assist the new owner.
  • This is a homebased business opportunity.
  • This is a franchise resale opportunity

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