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  • RE:  Home Health Agency In Dallas/North Texas Area
  • Contact:  Don Harman

Quick Facts

Asking Price: $450,000
Annual Revenue: Not Disclosed
Net Profit: Not Disclosed
Cash Flow: Not Disclosed
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: Not Disclosed
Real Estate: Not Disclosed
Year Established: Not Disclosed
Employees: Not Disclosed
BBN Listing #: 982963
Broker Reference #: DFW687COM

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Business Overview:

Licensed Home Health Agency-Region 3 - $450,000!


Licensed and Certified Home Health Agency in Region 3 with Great Revenue and Profits. Sustained Revenue and Profits over many years looking for a new owner.

Current owners are moving in a different direction. This gives you an excellent opportunity to acquire an established Home Health Agency with a long stream of Revenue and Profits.

This agency has established business in Regions 3 & 4. Owner pay and net profit approximately $300,000 per year. No issues and ready with a current census of 43.

Great Revenue and Profits over many years assure you that if you want more it is there for the taking. Everything in place to continue as is or grow the revenue and profits to your desired comfort level. Average owner pay and net profits over the last 3 years are approximately $300,000.

Business hours 800a-500p. Owner will stay up to two weeks if needed.

This is not an offer to sell securities. This is not a solicitation to sell securities.

Listing Broker – DFW Business Brokers. For more information, contact Don Harman, Principal

CONTACT us TODAY as this agency will go quickly……………….

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Property Features and Assets:


Market Competition and Expansion:

The Texas population and economy is one of the very best in the US. With continued growth and excellent business atmosphere you can control your own growth rate and profitability.

Growth & Expansion: Whether this is your first agency or an addition to your network, you need to look at this agency as it has the potential to expand in many directions. With a great current bottom-line You decide how big you want to be. Everything is in place to continue or grow as is.

Contact Form

Reason for Selling:

Owner to do other interests

Additional Details:

  • The property is Leased.
  • The owner is willing to train/assist the new owner.
  • This is a homebased business opportunity.
  • This is not a franchise resale opportunity

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