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  • RE:  Booming Full-Service Construction And Restoration
  • Contact:  Rick Carlson
  • License #: 1820673
Owner Financing is Available!
TBD if structure and terms are acceptable.

Quick Facts

Asking Price: Not Disclosed
Annual Revenue: $1,567,197
Net Profit: Not Disclosed
Cash Flow: $36,402
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: Not Disclosed
Real Estate: Not Disclosed
Year Established: 2021
Employees: 8
BBN Listing #: 947190
Broker Reference #: 1236 CONSTRUCTION

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Business Overview:

This fast-growing construction & remodeling firm is a one-stop full-service construction shop that exhibits exceptional follow through on all contracts and communication. Their business model centers on a highly tailored and systematized set of tools and processes. After potential clients have passed through several filters, clients are narrowed to those that most closely align with their construction specialty and profitability standards. Their strategic partnerships with designers, engineers, subcontractors, city authorities, vendors and suppliers enables this construction & remodeling firm to efficiently and profitably complete contracts.

This firm has developed a proprietary estimating software driving their client intake process.

The estimating tool can be used by someone with no construction experience (with proper training), and output is client-facing, branded marketing, that ties into internal processes and a CRM. In addition, several filters extract the clients that meet internal construction and profitability standards while driving several other key metrics (ie client value) that are automatically projected into key performance indicating reports. These tools have contributed to an impressive YOY growth rate of 58%.

As home prices continue to increase across the country, owners are investing in lower priced homes with the need for upgrading. To that end, this firm’s customer base has changed in recent years, shifting from being a “low cost” construction company attracting customers looking for a “discount” remodel, to clients looking for a “high touch” construction team to guide them through complicated and large-scale projects involving many vendors. As a result, their total client count and average project size continue to increase each year.

NDA is required to secure comprehensive Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) crafted by ProNova Partners.

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Property Features and Assets:

Commercial office building was purchased in 2022, and has two oversized garage doors which allow for semi-truck access.

Market Competition and Expansion:

Competition: As a direct result of consistent price increases, homebuyers are forced to look at homes in greater conditions of disrepair. This firm fits into a particular niche in the metro Milwaukee rehab market. Companies that offer similar services for less lack the in-house support, marketing and overall level of service that sets this firm apart.

The market is split between “John Doe” contractors, usually 1-3 people working under a brand that can only handle a few moderately sized projects (~$50,000) each quarter. These contractors often lack systems, processes, contracts, and consistent vendors. The other end of the spectrum is the luxury level contracting companies which service the larger budgeted projects in the greater Milwaukee area. These organizations are usually older in nature, require substantial overhead, and will turn down work under $50,000 as the jobs are too small to compensate for their margins.

This firm has uniquely positioned itself between the “John Doe” contractors and luxury level contractors, with their finish products capable to compete in the luxury level space but priced strategically lower than the competition. This firm is also in a position to pivot towards smaller work with greater speed and accuracy than their competitors.

Reason for Selling:

Both Sellers have other business endeavors requiring their attention and expertise.

Additional Details:

  • The property is owned.
  • The owner is willing to train/assist the new owner.
  • This is not homebased business opportunity.
  • This is not a franchise resale opportunity


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