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  • RE:  Established Restoration Company For Sale
  • Contact:  Linn Crader

Quick Facts

Asking Price: $1,200,000
Annual Revenue: $2,925,588
Net Profit: Not Disclosed
Cash Flow: $769,463
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: $348,250
Real Estate: Not Disclosed
Year Established: 2004
Employees: 13
BBN Listing #: 944984
Broker Reference #: 8101-18322

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Business Overview:

For over 20 years, the Company has provided cleaning and restoration services to homeowners and businesses in their local area. Their mission is to restore the areas to a pre-damage state providing customers with a cleaner and safer living and working space. The Company is insurance and emergency driven with 95% of the revenue coming from insurance claims. The Company has excellent working relationships with the insurance companies and works with many of the major companies. The Company has similar relationships with the local fire departments. The Company is available 24 hours a day and response time is usually less than an hour. There are no cyclical or seasonal factors. The Founders are active in the business. The technicians are professionally trained and certified. The company strives to use the most effective, non-toxic and environmentally-friendly products and equipment available.

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Property Features and Assets:

Facilities consists of two warehouses, conveniently located, in a commercial area with 10 dedicated parking spaces and overflow parking. The administrative area is located in the slightly smaller building with the remainder of space used for storage of equipment & supplies. The 2nd warehouse is used as a work area and for storage.

Assets = $368,967

Market Competition and Expansion:

The main competitors are larger contractors who do the same type of work in the local area. IBISWorld identifies effective quality control as a key success factor. Prospective clients are drawn to businesses with a reputation for having successfully completed prior damage restoration work, have close working relationships with people in the industry, have positive word-of-mouth recommendations, and follows through on job completion in a satisfactory manner.

The Company is well set with growth opportunities for a Buyer who has the knowledge, ambition, energy and drive to grow the Company to the next level. A few potential customer base opportunities include insurance referral networks, contacting and developing relationships with local property management and becoming a vendor of products used in the business.

Reason for Selling:

The owners plan to semi-retire.

Additional Details:

  • The property is Leased.
  • The owner is willing to train/assist the new owner.
  • This is not homebased business opportunity.
  • This is not a franchise resale opportunity

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