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  • RE:  Casual Bakery And Desert Shop For Sale!!
  • Contact:  Connie Kokonas

Quick Facts

Asking Price: $329,999
Annual Revenue: $192,627
Net Profit: Not Disclosed
Cash Flow: -103360.00
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: Not Disclosed
Real Estate: Not Disclosed
Year Established: 2022
Employees: 2
BBN Listing #: 986340
Broker Reference #: 22066

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Business Overview:

Unlock the door to culinary success with this highly acclaimed Bakery for Sale with Deserts nestled in the vibrant greater Ft Lauderdale, Florida metropolitan area. Boasting a thriving Gelato, Popsicles, Coffee and Croissants business as its cornerstone. This establishment has become the preferred provider throughout Ft Lauderdale area.SBA is available for qualified buyers for this Bakery for Sale, making it easier to step into ownership with minimal upfront investment.Strategically located on the ground floor of a large apartment complex with over 100 residents, this Bakery for Sale offered by We Sell Restaurants, benefits from a steady stream of foot traffic. Additionally, it is adjacent to several local businesses, ensuring consistent patronage from both residential and business communities. The high-traffic location is a significant factor in the bakery's continued success.Reduced at $ 329,999 the owner's motivation is clear, offering a rare opportunity for ambitious entrepreneurs to acquire a venture with a stellar reputation. Established two years ago, this Bakery for Sale has seen rapid growth, with sales exceeding year over year. The reduced asking price includes $292.000 in Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FFE), ensuring exceptional value for the buyer.Step into a unique eatery, steeped in the culinary traditions. From mouth watering pastries, gelato and homemade popsicles to gluten-free baked goods, this Bakery for Sale caters to every taste and occasion.Spanning an impressive 1,500 square feet with a attractive indoor and outdoor seating the Bakery for Sale boasts a long-term lease agreement through 2032 ensuring stability for the new owner. With an active owner overseeing operations and a dedicated full-time manager in place, this turn-key opportunity promises a seamless transition and immediate profitability.Don't miss out on this chance to own an established, rapidly growing bakery in one of Florida's most exciting regions. Contact Connie Kokonas today at We Sell Restaurants to seize this exceptional opportunity.By providing your phone number, you agree to receive text notifications.

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Property Features and Assets:

Beverage CoolerBrix Meter Refractometer2 Cappuccino brewers2 Chocolate dispensing machines2 ScalesConvection Oven2 Upright FreezersFood DehydratorMixerRefridgeratorDough Sheeter3 Refrigerated Display CasesIce Maker4 Blenders2 Induction CookersMandolin Slicing SetMicrowave2 Nespresso Frother Machines2 Nespresso Coffee Brewers3 Oxymoron MakersPasteurizerWine CoolerSealing MachineUndercounter RefridgeratorChairsTablesSofas2 TV ScreenaPOS SystemSpeakersAmplifierHologram Fan Projectors

Market Competition and Expansion:

Busy Street

Reason for Selling:


Additional Details:

  • The property is Leased.
  • This is not homebased business opportunity.
  • This is not a franchise resale opportunity

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