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  • RE:  Auto Paint Body Shop Business & Building For Sale
  • Contact:  Randy Shurbet

Quick Facts

Asking Price: $2,700,000
Annual Revenue: Not Disclosed
Net Profit: Not Disclosed
Cash Flow: $500,000
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: $200,000
Real Estate: $2,000,000
Year Established: 35
Employees: 3
BBN Listing #: 949307
Broker Reference #: 169770

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Business Overview:

Very successful auto and paint body shop with 35 years of continued business. The business generates $500,000 per year in profit and the building has five overhead doors with 21,000 square feet under roof. This business could add a tire sales and repair area in the business for additional revenue. There is no immediate competition in the area where located. The customer base is very loyal due to the quality of service and care of the customer. One of the doors with approximately 4,000 square feet is leased and the tenant would like to remain with a new owner. Would make an excellent distribution center or combination auto, paint, body and tire sales and repair shop. In addition, this outstanding location would make an excellent maintenance department for a trucking company. 

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Property Features and Assets:

Outstanding showroom with executive office and 21,000 square feet under roof for maintenance, and repair with state of the art painting booth with a computer matching paint system. The facility is currently set for collision repair, custom paint jobs, classic car repairs, glass replacement, motorcycle repair, fleet repair, detailing, full-service mechanical and vehicle restoration. The building is situated to receive rail delivery from the tracks in the rear of the building. The building was constructed and designed by the Seller and is very favorable for the current business solutions. 

Market Competition and Expansion:

The location of the business is just north of the Birmingham Alabama metro area and there is no competition in the city limits of location. The building is located on a major roadway that has a high daily vehicle count and easy access to the interstate system. 

Reason for Selling:


Additional Details:

  • The property is Leased.
  • This is not homebased business opportunity.
  • This is not a franchise resale opportunity


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