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  • RE:  Amazing Location High Volume Pizza Restaurant
  • Contact:  Joseph Di
Owner Financing is Available!
Loan/Seller- Amt: 200,000 Mos: 60 Rate: 6.00 Mo Pmt:3,866.56

Quick Facts

Asking Price: $450,000
Annual Revenue: $1,100,000
Net Profit: Not Disclosed
Cash Flow: $250,000
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: $130,000
Real Estate: Not Disclosed
Year Established: 2023
Employees: 10
BBN Listing #: 984373
Broker Reference #: 3353772956

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Business Overview:

Location, Location , Location, Italian Pizza Restaurant, pizza oven imported from Italy all brand new location Low Rent with beautiful 1,000 Square foot outdoor patio in a prime location next to one of the most busiest Starbucks country's 12 Hotels 15,000 office Workers and 5000 homes within the immediate area, Fast casual dining 2COP SRX beer and wine license. The restaurant has seating over 100 , Dining room 60 seats beautiful corner patio area over 50 seats. The kitchen is spacious with an open concept and a Two 15-foot exhaust hood, fully equipped with fryers, stoves, ovens, etc. Large walk-in cooler and freezer. Plenty of storage and shelving, and there is also an office, The restaurant is about 2600 square feet 1000 sq ft patio, business. This is an amazing turn-key opportunity it's priced for a quick sale because the newness of the business sales are growing on a weekly basis price most likely to change to a higher multiplier
* This will not last long the rent very reasonable for this area below market ,perfect for E 2 visa or family moving to Florida
* Next to one of the most busiest Starbucks country's
* 12 Hotels 15,000 office Workers and 5000 homes within the immediate area.
* perfect for E 2 visa. Please refer to listing 3353772956 and advisor Joe DiBartolo when inquiring.

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Property Features and Assets:

Lease/Month: 5430

Square Footage: 3680

Building Type: PLAZA

Terms & Options: 5 YRS

Expiration Date: 1/1/2030

Market Competition and Expansion:

Miles: 3

Years: 3

Reason for Selling:


Additional Details:

  • The property is Leased.
  • The owner is willing to train/assist the new owner.
  • This is not homebased business opportunity.
  • This is not a franchise resale opportunity

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