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  • RE:  31-Year-Old Pest Control Business
  • Contact:  Randy Bring

Quick Facts

Asking Price: $600,000
Annual Revenue: $273,363
Net Profit: $159,984
Cash Flow: Not Disclosed
Total Debt: Not Disclosed
FF&E: $1,200
Real Estate: Not Disclosed
Year Established: 1994
Employees: 3
BBN Listing #: 987495
Broker Reference #: 0101831582

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Business Overview:

Established 31 years, predominantly a residential (some commercial accounts) pest control service, central and western Broward County, FL. A true retirement sale- owner works approximately 2 hours a day. The route is handled by his licensed technicians. Owner plus one full time tech, one part-time tech and one full-time General Office Manager. Approximately 760 residential customers, most have been loyal and with the company for many, many years. 100% customers are on monthly service, exterior only, interior as needed. No marketing at all being done now. No website or social media presence means a world of potential upside for a new owner or the Buyer who seeks to expand services not currently being offered including termite (spot & tent), rodent, flea, web and spider cleaning & control, OTS (one time services),  WDO (wood destroying organism) reports for Realtors, nuisance animal control, etc. Buyer’s BIO, financial statement & NDA requested before release of Offering Memorandum. The Seller will consider holding and qualifying the Buyer's State Pest Control License subject to the terms of the agreement at Buyer sole discretion. Please refer to listing #0101-831582 & ask for Randy Bring when inquiring.

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Property Features and Assets:


Market Competition and Expansion:


Reason for Selling:


Additional Details:

  • The property is owned.
  • The owner is willing to train/assist the new owner.
  • This is a homebased business opportunity.
  • This is not a franchise resale opportunity

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