Company Overview (BBN) was started in 1999 and is a leading marketplace for businesses-for-sale and franchises for sale on the Internet. Essentially, BBN is an online advertising service that helps business owners and franchises sell their businesses by connecting them with prospective buyers. We connect thousands of business buyers and sellers each month. The database consists of over 28,000 businesses and franchises for sale. BBN has over 1,000 business brokers who use our website to promote and advertise their business-for-sale listings. If you are looking to sell a business, you can find a reputable business broker near you by using our Broker Directory. BBN aims to be a one-stop shop for business buyers and sellers. We thank you for visiting our site and always look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions on how to improve the site.
Services Offered
Advertising website for business brokers representing the seller in the sale of their business.
Areas Served
Atlanta GA; Norfolk VA; All USA States