If you’re the potential buyer of a business, learning how to value a business for sale is extremely important. The fair selling price for a business is the amount the seller is willing to take and the buyer is willing to pay.  When buying a piece of real estate, comparisons are made of si

Step 1 – Decide why you want to sell. Have you had a bad day?  Are sales and profits declining?  Are sales and profits increasing?  Are you tired and think you need a change?  Are you having health issues?  Do you want to retire?  Do you think more lately about s

When you buy a business, you look for one that is respected in the community and has good moral values and ethics.  You also want one that has a good history and is making a good profit if it is a for profit business.  Do you want people to look at your business and think it is an ethical

Because all business owners will experience stress through a combination of things that happen at home and at work, coping with stress is a skill that must be developed.  It is important to remember that there is good stress, which is positive, and negative stress, which usually comes from reac

Retirement for small business owners can be quite different than retirement from the corporate world.  In either situation, however, it can be a gradual process or an abrupt event and is not necessarily a total severance from work and career activities.  It should be thought of as a proces

If you are buying a business where employees are members of an organized union, you will want to learn all you can about the union and the advantages and disadvantages.  The seller should have all of the information, allowing you to walk into the business understanding the union and why the emp

This is a question that's very much opinion orientated. If you ask 50 different business owners, you're likely to get just as many answers. None of which are wrong, either; they're all relevant to one's industry and background. Because this is a personal matter – and one that's based off of pe

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