When buying a business, there are many things you look for to make it a fit for you.  You want it to be something of which you are interested and that you will enjoy, as well as profitable.  While most people have no problem knowing what they want, they sometimes get excited and overlook r

Many businesses are started by individuals who see a niche that is not filled and decide to take the opportunity to provide the product or service and turn it into a profitable business.  Lots of research and planning go into the decision for this risk-taking experience.  What we are discu

When you are buying a business, it is very important to plan and set goals so you know where you are going and know when you get there. They will show you what direction you need to be going and measure your progress along the way.  Although we may not be able to control some factors, we can co

You never stop learning. If there's anything to take into your new business venture, it's that you always have more that you can take in. From everyday tricks to the art of a sales pitch, and beyond, there are a number of business lessons you can learn on any given day. Often without even realize yo

Ask any employers who was their best hire and their worst hire, and they will have a story.  Employers know the type of employee they want to hire but sometimes make a mistake.  It is normal to want to hire those who are like ourselves, but it is unlikely that anyone will be as dedicated t

After being in business for a year or more, it is not uncommon for business owners to wish they had started something or done something differently on their first day of business.  Buying a business that is doing well helps to eliminate regrets, but writing a good business plan and following it

Your day's been long and there is no end in sight. Everyone is coming to you for answers … or with a problem. Even something that's seemingly small has managed to turn into something difficult. Does this sound familiar? Or, if it doesn't, it likely will sometime in the near future. This is a

When buying any business, it is important to look at what has been done in the past and also ways to increase sales and improve the business.  This is especially important when the business is a service business. This article is to help you with ideas that may increase your sales. Undisputedly

As a would be entrepreneur you are looking for the perfect business opportunity.  After several discussions with your accountant, banker, lawyer and relatives, you have developed a list of acquisition criteria:  low risk, high return, short hours, great location, good growth potential, and

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