If you have never owned a business, you may not know what business brokers do and how they can help you. A business broker is somewhat similar to a realtor. Some states require business brokers to have real estate licenses, and most get licensed anyway so they can sell property and write leases. A l

Every successful brand needs support. It needs support in terms of business – new and repeat customers who bring in business that ultimately pay the bills. But a brand also needs emotional support – those employees (and yourself, the owner) talk to after a rough day or when things have g

When you find the business you want to purchase, the closing goes smoothly, and the owner agrees to train you, you are ready to become a successful business person.  Here are five things that will help you, as you want to avoid mistakes whenever possible.  It helps that you have purchased

You know you want to be successful if you buy a business, so you are wondering if you have what it takes to be successful.  What do you need to be a successful business owner?  Perhaps you can look at some business owners you know and see what you think makes them successful.  The f

When you think you have found a business you would enjoy owning, you have taken the first step for business ownership.  There are, however, important things to review and evaluate; and it is important to take the time necessary to get all of the information and the answers to all of your questi

If you are thinking of purchasing a small business and operating it, perhaps you are wondering if you have what it takes to run a business successfully.  Are certain characteristics common in successful business owners?  Perhaps this will help you decide if you have what it takes to run a

Since you are reading this, you are probably a business owner or a prospective business owner, which makes this more of a reminder of the many advantages of the tax cuts that occurred and have helped businesses during the past year.  Those who were not businessmen and women seemed to have diffi

A very important job of a business owner is selecting the best employees to hire for positions in your company.  A good rule is to try to hire employees who are smarter than you, as employees represent you and should make you and your business look really good. Most employers advertise for a

Most people do not instantly buy a business, but gradually reach the conclusion they want to do something different.  It is usually a slow process because it is a major decision.   Many factors play a role in if and when to make that purchase and start the dream of business ownership.

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