Listening skills are essential to leadership that’s responsive, attentive and empathetic.  Everyone deserves to be heard and understood. There is a huge difference in hearing someone speak and really listening to that person.  There are many reasons people don’t listen, but it

6 Traits That Make a Great Entrepreneur So… you think you've got what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Or, maybe you're scared that you don't. Either way, it's worth looking at the career as a whole and pairing it against your own skills. It's a step that can determine if you do have the neces

Are you a risk taker?  That is a question commonly asked of people wanting to be business owners.  Without risk, no one finds true love, develops real power, gains prestige, or acquires great wealth.  Accepting risk is central to everything worthwhile in life, and there is simply no w

You have gone through the process of selecting a business and have met with the owner.  After reviewing the information you have obtained from the owner through your business broker, you are ready to make an offer.  This article will prepare you for some of the items you will want to inclu

The first business I sold as a business broker was a small car wash.  It operated out of a commercial location garage, large enough for one vehicle.  The only assets were a hose, a bucket, and other needed washing supplies like you would use if you were washing your own vehicle.  What

Number 1.  Make sure you really “want” to sell.  Ask yourself if you are bored, burned out, ill, have a new child, have aging parents that need your assistance, etc. Or are you simply unhappy with how much money you are making?  If this is the case, you do not “need&

1. When sales and profits have been increasing.  Nothing speaks louder than success.  When buyers see an upward pattern, they are inclined to believe all is well with the world and will pay a premium price for the business.   2. When your employee base is stable with as many long-ter

The largest percentage of businesses sold lease a building or space in which to operate.  Because that can sometimes take longer than expected, it is important to start the process of obtaining a lease immediately after a Letter of Intent or Offer to Purchase is agreed upon by the buyer and sel

Confidentiality places restrictions on certain types of information.  A common question asked of business brokers is, “Why are business listings confidential?”  Most people are familiar with realtors listing houses and attempting to get information about the listings to as many

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