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Asking Price: $400,000

Wildlife Removal

Alhambra, IL
Madison County

Humane removal and relocation of nuisance animals.

Cash Flow $99,687
Revenue $138,251
$ Owner Financing Available

Asking Price: $1,300,000

Auto Business, Diesel Specialist, Custom Builds, Towing & Snow Removal

Not Disclosed, IL
Madison County

This is a highly successful business and a nation-wide recognized brand. What started as a hobby in a garage has grown to be a multi-service business with average sales revenue of approximately ($760,000) seven hundred and sixty thousand dollars a year. The business is located in metro east Illinois just a few miles off of a heavily traveled interstate making it easily accessible. It offers services in three major divisions - automotive, towing, and snow removal. Each of the business divisions help to balance the business well. The automotive division supports automotive repair and custom work including fleet maintenance. They are the experts in custom lift kits, diesel performance tuning and custom four-link setup. They also offer standard automotive services such as brakes, engines and transmissions, tires and wheels, air conditioning, shocks and suspension, diagnostic, and warranty/insurance repair. The other two divisions, towing and snow removal, have been added on over the years and continue to grow. The business handles towing for some of the surrounding municipalities as well as providing towing service for the typical automotive breakdowns and accidents. The business holds several exclusive contracts with businesses and municipalities, including public transportation entities, for snow removal. The owner is willing to support the buyer in transition, and is open to discussing ongoing support. Seller financing is an option. Real estate is not included, lease available.

Cash Flow Not Disclosed
Revenue $760,000
$ Owner Financing Available

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