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Asking Price: $650,000

Auto Parts Store with 55+ Years Legacy & $500k Inv

Not Disclosed, AL
Jefferson County

Auto Parts Store with 55 Years Legacy and $500k InventoryWith a history spanning over 55 years, this auto parts store is family-owned and operated, emphasizing a legacy grounded in trust and quality.The business specializes in new and rebuilt automotive parts, prioritizing reliability. Additionally, it offers custom hydraulic hoses tailored to customer needs, supported by a solid understanding of the products.The inventory is comprehensive, including automotive fluids, large/commercial truck filters, and various auto accessories. Sales are divided, with 75% from retail walk-ins and 25% from deliveries to commercial accounts, ensuring a balanced revenue stream.Noteworthy for its resilience during economic downturns, the store consistently attracts customers seeking dependable products at reasonable prices. Situated outside city limits, it only requires county and state business licenses.Strategically positioned to align with the area's growth, this opportunity includes $500,000 of inventory in the asking price, making it a practical investment. Additionally, the real estate is available for purchase, further enhancing the appeal of this established auto parts store in the Birmingham metro area.For those interested in exploring this opportunity further, contacting Transworld promptly is advised.

Cash Flow $109,315
Revenue $445,619
$ Owner Financing Available

Asking Price: $299,990

Manufacturing and Installation - Local Business

Birmingham, AL
Jefferson County

For Sale: this profitable manufacturing company that produces multiple types of high-quality fencing for our commercial and residential customers. We also do custom installations. The business produces a consistently strong profit margin. Cash flow represents EBITDA. We utilize local subcontractors and will provide more details. This is a proven business with an outstanding reputation. Demand for fencing is exceeding supply. The average ticket last year was $5307.00. No direct competitors except the local contractors who buy fencing at the big box stores. Our number one focus is to always be the local “go to” company where honesty is a key metric to the business’s success. We strive to complete all projects on time with integrity and fairness. Our highly efficient processes, combined with the outstanding technology and tools, ensure all jobs are done quickly, while also affording us time to give attention to detail. The new owner will utilize his/her previous management, marketing, and networking skills to lead the skilled technicians to success and additional growth. This business has one of the highest profit margins in industry. Other key benefits include:- Scalable business - few competitors.- Semi-passive or owner operated model.- Minimal inventory.- Strong net profit margins.- Few employees but skilled employees.Contact John for detailed information about this business.

Cash Flow $244,550
Revenue $1,550,330

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